Talking with Giants: An Interview with Legendary Investor Tim Draper (Part 4)
I talked with investing giant Tim Draper about a wide range of investment topics, including some key mistakes that entrepreneurs can make early on in
Talking with Giants: An Interview with Legendary Investor Tim Draper (Part 3)
Tim Draper has been changing the world his entire career. He invests in entrepreneurial endeavors that are shifting how we operate in the world, in
Going Beyond Green: The Evolution of Sustainability Post COVID-19
In the commercial real estate article I recently wrote for ValueWalk, I talk about the long-term impact of our understandable new hyper-focus on health and
Talking with Giants: An Interview with Legendary Investor Tim Draper (Part 2)
I had an opportunity to record my conversation with the great Tim Draper, a visionary startup investor whose financial support has created billions of dollars
Talking with Giants: An Interview with Legendary Investor Tim Draper (Part 1)
I had an opportunity to sit down with Tim Draper and talk about a wide range of startup/venture capitalist investment topics. Draper is the father
Seek Capital: Managing Remotely Amidst Coronavirus Shutdown
9 Tips for Effectively Managing a Remote Team Amidst Coronavirus Shutdown I was recently asked by Seek Capital for some tips on how best to
My Startup Funding Story is Featured in a New Book: “Entrepreneurial Finance”
Simon Hulme interviewed me to include Vungle’s experience securing funding and has included that case study in his new book, Entrepreneurial Finance. Hulme is a Senior Teaching
Zain Jaffer : Dedicated Hosting Interview (2010) This is an interview with Zain Jaffer & Alan Weinkratz in 2010 when Zain Jaffer had just joined a tech start-up called Mediaroots.
CNBC Interview with Zain Jaffer – Zain Jaffer’s Mobile App Insights from 2017 In this video, Zain Jaffer talks about the app economy: “I talk about the impact and growth of the mobile apps market and about
Early Days of Vungle: Zain Jaffer & Jack Smith in Meeting at AngelPad Start-up Incubator
The AngelPad start-up incubator would arrange frequent sessions with its founders to check up on progress. In this clip, Zain Jaffer & Jack Smith are
Early Days of Vungle: Zain Jaffer Pitching at The AngelPad Demo Day in 2010 rare footage captures the first few seconds of entrepreneur Zain Jaffer pitching at the AngelPad 2010 demo day which led to securing the $2M