Worldcoin wants to scan your iris to prove you are human
Altman, along with a new partner named Alex Blania, have started a new cryptocurrency project called Worldcoin. Worldcoin is unique in the sense that it wants to use eyeball iris scans using a gadget called an Orb as the way to do KYC.
Diversity and Merit will save America
As a naturalized American and immigrant, the 4th of July holiday has given me reason to reflect about America and Western society, especially with the recent news events like the violence in Europe, and the decision of the US Supreme Court to ban affirmative action as a basis for school acceptance.
Small US colleges are closing down
A recent trend in the US is the closure of many smaller colleges. The lack of enrollment, compounded by higher inflation and uncertain economic times, has caused many young people to reevaluate whether they will pursue higher education or just go straight to the workforce.
Overboard on credit card debt?
Just like our national debt that is already almost at $31Tn, it appears that the national credit card debt is following in its footsteps. If left unchecked, both have the potential to cause untold misery.
Warren Buffett on currency overprinting
We are at a critical juncture in our history. We need to be careful and not spend recklessly just because we are the global leader and world’s reserve currency.
Addicted to Debt
Credit is just a tool, but it needs to be used wisely. You need that sense that unless you know how you’ll pay for something and when, don’t use debt as a crutch.
How your mental investment paradigms can sabotage your success
If markets just go sideways, all the pre-pandemic investment rules of thumb fly out the window. If investors are not wise enough to see that beyond their biases, their limited experience, and paradigms, they may get hurt and wonder what happened to their money.
The Petrodollar and the Petroyuan
Recently there has been major news coverage of the topic of “dedollarization,” meaning the trend of foreign countries to reduce their dependence on the US dollar as a reserve currency.
What is Fed Now?
The Fed has announced its alternative to the archaic SWIFT messaging system with something called FedNow. What exactly will FedNow have to offer?
The folly of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT)
We need to get back to responsible fiscal spending. MMT is not and was never the right way forward.
The Tokenization of Everything
Try asking a kid if he/she prefers to have their Venmo or Paypal loaded or receive a paper bill. You might be surprised at the answer you’ll get.
Pausing AI research to evaluate its value for humanity
Doctors have a code of “first do no harm.” Perhaps it is time for AI to adopt a similar code, lest we end up with real life versions of The Terminator or The Matrix within our midst.
Tokenizing Real Estate opens new possibilities
A new trend that has come up recently is to tokenize real estate (or the company that owns the real estate) using blockchain tokens. While it might be hard for some to imagine a world without brokers, contract lawyers, and the like, this is what companies in the space are working on.
Traditional finance won’t give up (to crypto) without a fight
This February 2023, the International Monetary Fund released its position on what it feels should be reflected in global attempts to regulate crypto. The IMF mentioned nine key points which they feel should be the unifying theme for all crypto regulation and legislation.
Predicting how people will spend is tricky
Looking at data from think tanks, research groups, and consumer sentiment/home finance sources might give you an aggregate picture of what is going on across the country. But sometimes, to predict behavior requires putting yourself in the shoes of hard working Americans.
Bought and paid for
Recently I just got my US citizenship. Being an American means the world to me. Many people around the world who immigrate here feel that if you work hard, the playing field is level. Believe it or not, everyone being equal under the eyes of the law is a big thing.
Should You Invest in Real Estate in 2023?
As the past two years have witnessed major challenges to both homeowners and real estate investors, it’s natural for many to wonder whether investing in real estate will make sense in 2023. Here’s why you should consider adding real estate properties to your investment portfolio in the coming year.
Five Easy Ways to Boost Your Team Productivity
While team productivity is one of the critical factors for the success and growth of any type of business, don’t get discouraged if you notice a decline in employee motivation and performance. Consider these proven and time-tested practices to enhance the productivity of your team.
Four Lessons the Pandemic Taught Us About the Real Estate Market
Now that it’s been two and a half years since the initial shock of the pandemic, it’s a good time to take a look back and see what we could learn from all of this. In this article, I take stock of my personal experiences in real estate and share the four lessons that the pandemic taught us about this market.
6 Things to Look at When Investing in a Startup
As an angel investor or a venture capitalist, it’s important to look at certain factors to determine if a company is worth investing in or not. Here are the six questions that will help you make an informed decision on whether a startup is worth it.