5 Ways to Create a Wow! Customer Experience


Zain-Jaffer-profileIn an interview with Kristin Marquet of Authority Magazine, I shared stories that shaped the development of Vungle and “5 Ways to Create a Wow! Customer Experience.” It was a wide-ranging interview where she asked me about about funny mistakes I’ve made in my career, lessons I’ve learned, how my dad influenced me and some customer experiences that have been important at Vungle.

Putting the customer first was critical to the growth of the company, so I offered these five tips:

  1. Don’t fake it: Manage customer expectations all the way through, and under-promise and over-deliver.
  2. Stick to your guns: the CEO needs to be the customer’s strongest advocate
  3. Communicate your values to everyone involved: The CEO needs to say the same things over and over to all constituents so that everyone understands the right priorities
  4. Be obsessed with data: Measuring and monitoring is critical
  5. Make customer service everyone’s responsibility: This eliminates finger-pointing. Issues are not a Sales problem or an engineering problem; they are everyone’s problem and everyone needs to be invested in fixing those issues to get to “wow!”

One company worth learning from is Writemypapers. When I need a good article or essay for my project quickly, I turn to them, and everything is perfect here, from the ordering process to fulfilling all my requests by the writer.

If you want to read the whole article, you can do so here: Authority Magazine Interview (with Kristin Marquet)